Pedodontics: Creating Healthy Smiles From The Start


Pedodontics: Creating Healthy Smiles From The Start

Pedodontics, also called pediatric dentistry, plays a critical role for children in maintaining healthy teeth and happy smiles for the rest of their lives. By receiving an effective pedodontics service, your children can acquire preventive dental care routines before they experience any dental problems. In addition, the fear of the dentist, which is often encountered in children, will no longer be a problem for you through a positive and friendly approach adopted by pedodontists.

In this article, we discuss the pediatric dentistry visits you will make with your child and highlight the importance of regular dental care from an early age. The article provides very practical information for parents who do not want to have problems with oral hygiene and dentist visits with their children. 

What Is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry is a field of dentistry that deals with the dental health of children by specially trained physicians. Pediatric dentists can undertake orthodontic corrections, tooth extractions and any other dental treatment potentially needed at an early age. In addition, pedodontists build trust with children before and during treatments, and based on this, they facilitate the treatment by explaining the necessary procedures to children appropriately.

Why Is Pedodontics Important?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, more than 45% of children reach the age of 19 with tooth decay problems. Therefore, effective dental care from an early age is very important. In this context, pedodontists play a critical role in maintaining and improving children’s teeth and overall oral health. Here is a list of the most notable benefits of pedodontics treatments at early ages:

Specialized Treatment For Children

Pedodontics treatments are special for children, respecting their physical, cognitive, and psychological development. The bond of trust established with children allows them to relax and eases the treatment process. 

Early Diagnosis And Treatment

Regular pedodontics visits allow many dental and oral problems that can be problematic in children to be recognized, diagnosed, and treated as soon as possible.

Good Dental Health Habits

Pedodontics visits help children develop lifelong dental care habits. Thereby, they become much more aware of tooth brushing techniques, flossing, and general oral care.

The Importance Of Establishing A Long And Secure Relationship In Pedodontics

Establishing a long and secure relationship between the child and the dentist is very important for the child, the family, and the dentist.

For the child, with the feeling of trust, attending pedodontics visits improves general oral health, and it helps them gain positive lifelong dental care routines. The child shows better cooperation when any treatment is required. He or she follows the advice and instructions given meticulously, significantly increasing treatments’ success rate.

For parents, the feeling of trust and warmth that comes with regular pedodontics visits comforts them as they know that their child is in safe hands. In addition, in cases that require emergency treatment, general parent-child relationships can survive this sensitive period without damage, as it would be easier for them to communicate with their children who are not afraid of dentists.

Smooth communication with the child positively affects the success and comfort of the treatment for dentists. A dentist who has the chance to work more comfortably during the treatment process experiences less stress and can perform more successful procedures. In this way, the dentist’s job satisfaction also increases.

How To Build A Long And Trusting Relationship With A Dentist

Although parents understand the importance of the bond between the dentist and their child, they may not know how to help build this trusting relationship. Below are some quick tips for parents:

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  • Plan the first appointment in such a way that the child is comfortable in every way.
  • Answer the child’s questions about the pedodontics visit gently and patiently.
  • Encourage your child to ask the dentist about treatment details that are technically unfamiliar to you.
  • If it is your first time at a pedodontics appointment, allow your child to tour the office or clinic before the appointment.
  • Make them feel that a pedodontics visit is good and necessary for our health.
  • Be a positive role model for your child when you go on your own dental visits.

Preventive Dentistry For Kids

Regular and enthusiastic pedodontics visits make a significant contribution to children’s oral health. Especially within the scope of preventive medicine, early age gains such as tooth brushing, flossing, proper eating, and drinking habits are very valuable. In this way, dental caries and gum diseases are prevented. Also, the fear of going to the dentist is eliminated. So, in case of any emergent dental operation, the kids are calmer.

Special Or Emergency Pedodontics Treatments

The benefits of children having positive relationships with pediatric dentists are not limited to preventive medicine. In some special or emergencies, pedodontics interventions are critical for children. Some special and emergency dental situations for kids are as follows:

  • Congenital anomalies such as missing or excess teeth or teeth that are malformed in position or shape.
  • Abscesses or other gum problems.
  • Tooth or jaw damage caused by a fall or impact.
  • Uncontrolled mouth bleeding.
  • Cases of foreign body ingestion.
  • Facial trauma or other conditions requiring oral surgery.

In such cases, parents should immediately visit the nearest pedodontist or dental clinic offering pedodontics service.

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Here are some of the most common questions parents ask about pedodontics visits and the answers:

When Should The First Pedodontist Visit Be?

A pedodontics appointment can be scheduled when the child turns 1 year old or when the first tooth erupts. Under normal conditions, you should see your pedodontist every 6 months. However, if any problem arises between your regular visits, see your pedodontist immediately.

How Long Should A Pedodontics Visit Take?

The first pedodontics visit may take around 40 minutes. Subsequent visits are expected to last a maximum of 30 minutes. Note that, in the case of a special treatment, the duration of the pedodontics visit may vary depending on the content of the treatment.

What Should I Do Before A Pedodontics Visit?

Make an appointment and have your child’s medication ready before the visit. You can also motivate your child to feel comfortable.

Are Pedodontics Treatments Painful?

Pedodontics treatments are usually painless procedures. For some rare procedures, local anesthesia is given to eliminate the feeling of pain.

Are Pedodontics Procedures Expensive?

The cost of pedodontics treatments may vary depending on the procedure type and your child’s health insurance. You can get free estimated quotes by making a preliminary interview with dental clinics. Also, keep in mind that dental clinics in other countries can offer more competitive prices.

How Can I Find More Information About Pedodontics Visits And Treatments?

You can contact Melsadent Dental Clinic 24/7. Having experienced and skillful pedodontists, Melsadent offers a reliable, comfortable, and hygienic treatment environment for your children. Melsadent adheres to long-term and trust-based relationships with its patients. It is a leading clinic for those looking for a quality dental clinic, especially in Kartal and Tuzla regions in Istanbul.

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